
Mens, Ladies, & Youth Fellowship

You are invited to attend our Mens, Ladies, and Youth social on Friday, November 17th at 7:30pm.

This evening will be a joint venture with the Mens, Ladies, and Youth ministry where we will fellowship and enjoy each other’s company with fun activities.

We do ask for your help though, as we will be needing a few items donated to make this evening a success. If you are not able to help with donations, please still come and join us as we would not want you to miss out on anything.


We will need the following from those of you who will be attending:


Water Melon




Paper Plates


Soup Cups

Juice Cups


Please contact Sis Janet @ 289-893-2723 or Sis Shiana @ 416-738-9659

Looking forward to seeing you!

The event is finished.

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